As the source and summit of our lives, the Eucharist is regularly celebrated by our school community. Every week a secondary Academic Care Group celebrates Mass in the parish on Tuesdays and a primary year group on Thursdays. Furthermore, the whole school comes together on numerous occasions throughout the year to celebrate the Eucharist together.

Students are well supported in their preparation for the reception of the sacraments. Students can begin to make their First Reconciliation in Year 2, First Holy Communion in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6. While the preparation for these sacraments is run through the parish, the school supports students in their preparation through reflection days and the Religious Education curriculum in the classroom. Sacramental preparation plans can also be tailored for older students who may have missed one or more of the sacraments at the age when they are generally received. Families who wish to have a child baptised or who have a parent who would like to receive the sacraments are also supported by the school along these journeys.

