The Parents & Friends Association at St Matthews is an active group of committed parents who strive to find ways to build community and make connections between families. In recent times they have been considering strategies to establish some more personalised ways to share information with families regarding the events they organise throughout the year. To that end, they have been able to identify one parent in each year level who is willing to act as a P&F liaison parent. You may have already received communication from your child’s class teacher regarding who the parent liaison is for their year level. If you haven’t received the email as yet, you can expect to see it come through soon. If for some reason you don’t receive an email by the end of this term, please contact the office and they will be able to provide you with the relevant contact details for your liaison parent.
The role of the parent liaison will be to keep you up to date with all the P&F happenings throughout the year and they may also establish an avenue for other social connections amongst the families in their grade. They will each do this by setting up a group via a social media platform of their choosing e.g. whatsapp. In essence, it is a lovely way for parents to connect socially and keep up with what’s happening at school.
This initiative is not intended to replace the existing communication structures we have in our school, so it remains important that families read the newsletter, utilise Compass, monitor emails from the school and perhaps follow our social media pages. It is also worth mentioning that, if you ever have concerns or questions about school matters, the best way to address these is to contact the school directly so we can connect you with the person best placed to respond. Please don’t put these generous parent liaison volunteers in the awkward position of having to respond to those kinds of matters.
Wishing you a safe and blessed holiday.
Angela Myles